Saturday, November 26, 2011

sólo quiera decir lamentable

I ignored my fon for weeks..
I ignored e fact dat my topup has run out..
I don't know where I put my fon..
I didn't notice I silent ma fon..
then...."U have 10 miscall..n messages to look at" mom might think I've been kidnapped...
some people might think I want to avoid them..

my mom terasa hati
my mom merajuk...                                                               
gaaa....problem lagi...
but still she worried about me...
ape nak jadi la kat haqu nie..

dear myself,
u r not the only living things in this huge world..
please mind that there r other people out there
and they're fucking worried about u..
especially ur family...
just want to remind u to always check ur fon
and never forget to give them a call...
no matter how busy u r...

weyyyyy wake up la......
wake upppppp and look around!!!
why are you being so ignorant????

ni rasa marah kat diri sendiri.. :[
forgive me mom..I didn't meant to hurt or ignored you..
I knew you are just worried whether I still have money, whether 
I eat well. whether I sleep well..whether everything went smoothly
for me...I knew that...thnxxx anyway but please understand that for the past 2 weeks I didn't even have time for many things to do..
bunch of them n much worst don't want to be
anak derhaka...
mamá lamentable de todo.. Seré una muchacha buena