Wednesday, October 24, 2012

a letter to you

Dear you,

that moment when u're suffocating and hardly breathe..every seconds in ur life gasping for air..but only at that particular moment when that pains kills ur heart..its like u're dying but actually not, just almost, close enough to the edge of death., for a while ur brain starts to appreciate the fact that being able to breathe all this time was wasted..just that moment..just that moment..merely asking for enough space to let the air pass through ur throat..when the air passage is not capable to handle the situation..

u hates that pains cause it always reminds u of the fact that anytime..ur soul will leave ur body willingly or unwillingly..there is no pain killer to this sickness nor cure to it..u always hate the croaking sound that can be heard from ur throat..not made up..when u was a kid, u cant sleep due to that sound that disturbed ur nights and that air passage that was blocked. Do not blame God..but be thankful that now..this pains in ur chest makes u realized that u should treasure the time when u can breathe normally..


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