Tuesday, April 10, 2012


suddenly out of nowhere me talking about Hijrah,,..hehe after such a long time didn't write anything in this blog..
actually during prophetic class today we learned about "HIJRAH" which means moving from one place to another place (literaly), or technically defined as changing from bad to good or separating oneself from nonsense. well, that's what I heard during our discussion in the class. but that's not the point.

yesterday I dreamt about something that opened my heart to truly accepted that I REALLY NEED TO CHANGE.

In my dream~~~~

I saw one guy reciting Al-Fatihah while he sat on a stone.later he approached and me told me...

Him: wear hijab and many good things will happen to you afterwards. Allah had given you many hidayah but you refused to accept it. you rather chose the wrong path. this time you must decide which path do you want to lead your life. the straight path or the other.

he then handed me Al-Qur'an with gold coloured cover. I saw myself crying non-stop..

Him: I know that you are a good girl. its just that you choose a wrong path in your life. follow the path that Allah had shown you. All your tears for all this time and before will be replace with happiness.

he smiled and walked away. then he stopped again at a distant and again reciting "bismillahirrahmanirrahim.....ihdinas siratal mustakim" one of the verses in surah Al-Fatihah.  and then raised his right hand and said "remember".

when I woke up..I grabbed the holy Qur'an and find the first surah..I then cried.

so, now I decided to fully covered my aurah. before I dream about this, actually I already have the idea to wear hijab in mind and has the intention to wear it....but I'm just wasn't sure if I'am ready or not because I afraid of doing things half-heartedly or not sincere enough. but now I'am 100% sure that my heart is sincere for the sake of Allah.

Alhamdulillah. May Allah Bless Me.


  1. interesting story friend...all the best...i'am happy for u. :D

  2. thnx sayang... :) me happy too

  3. I really really touch by your story. Light is there, it's up to us either to search for it or not. All the best. :)
