Monday, July 23, 2012

moments of awe..

well to start..its been so long since I wrote my last entry..apparently, my life kinda mess up..or turns out to be up-side down..sort of! recently, I was in a state of amusement or precisely, moments of awe..

well usually..people had this kind of feeling or expression towards other but me is different. its a moments of awe towards myself. I looked at myself as if I saw someone else had taking over my body and instructed every single movement. from another side as if I had been possessed.

anyway..that was just mere assumption..result of me pondering and reflecting of what happened to me now. I sense that me now no longer cik wewen who used to be anti-social, and stuck in my own wonderland which is imagination, hallucination and the dark room. I used to hates crowd and light and I still do but I do some effort to actually go out and see the world. getting to know more people and socialize.

what even more shocking, I joined a programme and have to deal with people to complete my task. I hate those thing the most. I'm not good in communication and obviously more and more people to meet.
the good side of it  is I'm taking a few steps further from my gloomy wonderland to the land of hope. May God bless the path that I chose. Amin. I hate changes but if it is for good, I will force myself to like it.

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