Monday, January 7, 2013

The taste of liberty..

I'm done with all six papers for final examination. I've been through a tough time all this while but hey this is a price for greater future. I hope I can gain some improvement or better CGPA? this time. I've been waiting for a miracle for the past few years. guess what? I really prayed hard. The glorious time will appear for cik wewen. I want to prove that no matter how low people looked at me but they never know..yeah never did they ever think that the silent observer like me can really do well if I'am willing to. Everything regulates. so a person who always on the top sometimes can fall hard too.  I've seen many, because of their arrogant. well it kills u back..anyhow, I got a chance to go back hometown and meet my siblings and lovely mother. It's been like ages. see ya Gombak..I'll come back next semester. hopefully my luck for next semester will be better than this semester. oh and Happy new year!

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